
About Sarah Foster, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist:Sarah Foster, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Sarah is a mom, grandma, and local homebirth midwife. She has been encapsulating placentas since 2010, and is a graduate of the PBi (placentabenefits.info) Placenta Encapsulation Specialist Training Course (2011).

PBi was founded in 2004 and is the oldest, largest, and most recognized placenta encapsulation organization in the world, according to their website. PBi’s founder, Jodi Selander, is a member of the placentophagy research team at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and has helped develop and perform several research studies on placentophagy. She is currently involved in collecting data for a new and ongoing ‘placenta vs placebo’ research study and her first peer-reviewed research paper was published in January of 2013. Her course is rooted firmly in the sciences and provides a very thorough understanding of the theories surrounding placenta consumption as well as the facts relating to keeping the practice safe.

In addition her PBi Training, as a practicing homebirth midwife Sarah has extensive midwifery training through the Association of Texas Midwives Midwifery Training Program – a Texas State sanctioned midwifery school. That training includes in-depth education on the placenta, human physiology, bloodborne pathogens, the safe handling of blood and tissue, and the postpartum period, among many other things.